

The other week i was asked by a friend What is something that i feel strongly about. and why? my answer to her was Traveling
I cant even begin to describe how going to another country changes our world view.
I just want to give you a few sentences and moments of what I experienced. Raw and unfiltered.

We wept.
My heart was broken. 
The sadness the hopelessness was written in most faces. 
It’s been said that most children don’t have a favorite memory. There are no “days to the beach” no “I love you and hugs” no joy. Just the same mundane routines. 

My cousin and I went into a Children’s holding center. We bathed them, hugged them, sang to them, gave them some of our clothes. 
Once again I just wanted to weep. how can you describe the broken, sad and lonely eyes of the children. How can my heart even handle that? 

I sat and listened to men in the prisons sharing how Jesus saved their lives. The amazing miracles that happed to them. How that Hand of God touched them and set them free from the years of demonic witchcraft done on them. 
I listened to one man tell his story how he was a devout muslim left the comfort of his home and family because he had seen Jesus in a vision. Not just once but Three times. Three times Jesus came and spoke to this man!! I mean I can’t even grasp that!

I left changed. although i didn't know how i was changed. there where insane amounts of emotions, culture shock, and trying to process what I just went through. My world view had been altered but how? How was it changed? How was I different? 

One last thing I want to say... 
It honestly took me seven months to process this trip.. and that’s okay. It’s okay to not know what your feeling. It’s okay to feel broken but don’t know why. It’s okay to not understand. It’s okay because slowly, one day you’ll realize how much you learned and have grown. 
So give yourself time and grace, even if you don’t understand what your feeling at the time, you will... one day you will. 

I wrote a few post back in January about my trip ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

Have you ever been to a different county? What has been your experience? How has it changed the way you look at the world 


  1. Definitely!! What country did you go to? I've been to a different country a couple times, on vacation, and it was a super eyeopening experience each time!

    1. I went to Uganda ;)
      Yess it does open yours eyes to the world around you!!!

  2. I haven't, but I really want to. And I plan on doing it someday.

  3. Love the pictures of you and those must be your cousins rignt?I argee with you. It just makes me cry sometimes to see how pour people live.๐Ÿ˜“ What you did for these children Janelle was really a blessing, and I am sure it some of them samile. My Nanny and her borther my Uncle John went to Texas to see their sister in the hospital. They went for a walk in the middle of know were and saw a lot of people just sleeping on the streets because they had know were to go, I thought that must be awful! If we just bring people a little bit of Joy and the love of Jesus then we can really put a samile on someone's face.

  4. Um so okay YES!! this post brought tears to my eyes.. i can only imagine how much sorrow you saw..
    thank you for writing this <3

  5. This is so beautiful!
    i was in Uganda last year & know exactly how you feel... i think i was in culture shock for a couple of months after i cam back home. Its so hard to go on with your normal life after experiencing stuff like that.
    thank you for the lovely post XD

      you are so sweet <3
      yes its so crazy coming back home and trying to process everything...


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