
Expand + Grow

Expand + Grow

am i comfortable in my box? i think not. i'm tired of my mundane. but when the times comes for me to break down the walls i suddenly find that i love the comfort and safety of normalcy. 


Am i really that afraid of newness, of the unknown?
I never thought i was. 
till now.  

but then i do the very thing that i am terrified of doing and i find that it wasn't worth all that worry and fear. 

So my question to you today is this. is there something that you really want to do but are afraid of. Please stop. Don’t let that hold you back from your dream. Because if we never did anything that took us out of our box what kind of life would that be? 

Also this

courage is not courage if you are not afraid.

 Break down the walls of that box, once you can see the outside you’ll never want to go back. I promise. 
yesterday you were afraid and today you feel a bit more ready - so tell me dear what changed in you?  are you ready for the adventure of the plunge?


  1. Thank you! I needed this today! <3

  2. I've been loving these thoughtful posts recently, and I lovE this one too!! Such a good reminder <3

  3. courage is not courage if you are not afraid. << WOW. <3

  4. wow, so thought provoking! love this.
    "courage is action in spite of fear." C. Hedgcock

  5. Wow! So true Janelle, one thing that really gets me is Collage. I want to become a Hospice nurse after I graduate school. I am a little worried about college. This post was great I really needed that, thanks girl!💕


Thank you for taking time to leave me a message. It really means a lot to me! I’ll try and respond to each and every on of them.
