
April Monthly Post

Anyone ready for some sporadic things?!?! K K 
HERE WE GO......

walking out the lane with the sis, listing to music and singing at the top of our lungs.
dang guys the older i get the faster life flies by. remember when we were kids and summer seemed to be infinity. i wanna go back to those days.

Its still coldish at night, but despite the cold we had a campfire. which was fantastic! perfect way to end the day 10/10 recommend this!

 its finally 60 degrees.
Me: Summer is HERE!" automatically  puts ALL of my jackets away.
next day.
"Oh look its snowing."

     apparently its spring everywhere else but where I live. 
picture above is my grandpas lane. there are still no leaves on the trees where i live.... so yeah. lolol

Spent last week in PA with some of my family. it was a lovely time, 3 hour coffee shop conversations with the cousins about trips

ME AT 11:30 PM "Sara i think its time for Tea." 

also if any of you have favorite Tea blends that you love PLEASE please let me know. 
i'm kind of obsessed with tea right now. lolol. currently my personal fav (other than fresh mint from the garden) has been the hot cinnamon sunset for target! guyss its amazing! do yourself a favor and get some.

working in the garden again!!!!honestly is there anything as peaceful and de-stressing than this!?!?!

Waves by Dean Lewis//Majesty by Micheal W. Smith// Needtobreath's acoustic album// have been played SO many times this month.

also i may have binge watch the entire first two seasons of Riverdale. yeah it was pretty intense... lol

I've been reading through the New Testament this year. Ya'll its been so so so good! currently i'm reading in 1 Corinthians.  
I've been reading about God's Wisdom and Holy Spirit. amazing!
God has given us (His children) the gift of the Holy Spirit, to guide, lead, and direct us in the path of Righteousness. Isn't that Amazing!! what a magnificent Father we have!

  • seriously going to say this again BUT WARM WEATHER. it was a long winter folkes. 
  • All the campfire feels!
  • Also bring on the Iced coffee. 
  • So i discovered Riverdale & now im kind of obsessed with it tbh. its so good. I'm not a huge lover of Drama but THIS show is fantastic!
  • I read 3 books this month that i LOVED!

So that pretty much sums up my month.

