

Its like Anne of green Gables said once.

"I believe that the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another  softly like pearls off of a string."
I don’t want to spend my life waiting for the big moment and missing all the beautiful small, insignificant, precious times that are scattered through my every day life.

And I think so often life can become monotonous.  We go to work all day, we come home and do our little evening things and go to bed. And then the next day repeat it all over again. 
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a “ I can’t  wait for the next big moment”  mode to the point where I let my days slip by without appreciating them for what they are. Amazing brand new, glorious days. 
And also when I treat each day like it’s boring I am in a sense telling God that this day that he created isn’t worth my effort into making it amazing. 
Honestly guys this is just kind of a rambling post. I feel as though most of my posts are like that and at the end I have to apologize that they are but, Yeahhh hopefully it still makes sense to you XD 
 But i have to like legit stop myself and be like Hey EVERY DAY IS BEAUTIFUL & PRECIOUS & AMAZING & FILLED WITH DELIGHTFUL LITTLE MOMENTS. i want to cherish those moments & fully value them.  because  e v e r y  s i n g l e   m o m e n t  i s  a  treasure 

so today stop and smell the roses 

Some small & awesome moments you experienced this month + what is one of your favorite every day experiences.


  1. this post made me happy <33

    some small moments i experienced:
    picking and pressing wildflowers. watching the sun set and the corn in the field by our house grow. holding my little nephew. going swimming with my friends and sisters. writing letters to my friends.

    and i love that picture! are they your sisters? they are absolutely adorable!

    maddy || little bit of sunshine

    1. Aww you’re so sweet ;)
      Pressing wildflowers sounds so lovely ๐Ÿ˜Š
      And sunsets are like legit the besttttt :)
      Spending time with your friends and fam is so awesome ๐Ÿ‘
      And yes they are my little sisters ;) ;)
      Thanks for the comment

    2. i also wanted to ask you, do you edit or use a filter for your photos? I love the quality of them :)

    3. Aww thank You XD
      I use the VSCO app. The filter I use is part of their free package ;)

  2. One thing I love about every day is that I read my Bible and pray. That should be important to everyone. Yes, Sometimes I myself like ok so this is what I do eat sleep read my Bible, pray, work, practice music, then repeat myself. Sometimes it seems like I am not getting anything done when I am. Do you ever have days like that? Love the picture of you and your sister's!๐Ÿ˜Š❤ Chole is getting so big she is so cute!๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. Yes I think we all do ;)
      Thanks for commenting!!!

  3. Great post! Small moments are important!

  4. I love this!! It is such a good reminder, one that I need to take to heart every day honestly. <3

  5. Thank youuuuu for the lovely comment ๐Ÿ’•

  6. fantasic post XD
    i needed to be reminded of this! every day is beautiful and wonderful!!!


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