



I remember last year at our church's annual New Years eve party wondering what 2017 would bring? 

What fun adventures I'd go on.
What new and interesting books I'd read.
What hard and painful things would cross my path.

A lot has happened since that night. 
I experienced all those things and,  probably more but,What I've come to understand and appreciate is that God gives us grace for the moments. If I would have know that night that my best friend would move across the country from me, I probably would have  Wept for quite some time. (I did anyways) 
Or those hundereds of other problems that life seems to throw at you.
If we could look into the future don't you think we might go crazy?!

If we knew what life was going to bring us we would probably die from worry and fear.
So I'm thankful that I can't see into the future.
And that I can rest in God and trust in his perfect plan and purpose for my life.

Today will come with its own set of troubles and problems. 

F A V O R I T E   M O M E N T S 

I went to a 
F O R  K I N G & C O U N T R Y
Of course I freaked out! I screamed till my voice hurt . It was awesome. 
WOW seeing them perform
 P R I C E L E S S  was epiccccc!!!! 
actually all of their songs were rather 
F A B U L O U S 

W A C O  T E X A S 
 Wow getting to explore  Magnolia Market was pretty great. Especially with friends. 

B O O K S   I' V E   D I S C O V E R E D 

I feel like I've read so many good books this year. Shout out to all my awesome friends for book Recomensations. 
So here is a short list that I've compiled for you 😁😊

Dream room

Angels Walking series 
By Karen Kingsbury

These books were so good! I loved the interesting  perspective that Karen Kingsbury brings to these pa

A Chance to Die 
By Elizabeth Elliot
The life of Amy Carmichael will astound you. It really gives you an in-depth look into 1800s life in India.

 The Screw tape Letters
By C.S.Lewis

 I love this book. It inspired me and gave me a whole new perspective on life. It just wow
And the Shofar Blew
By Francine Rivers

If ever there was a talented author it's Francine Rivers. Her books are raw. Real. They speak to you.  And very few people know how to do that.

So today as I'm writting this I can hardly belive that this is the last day of 2017. It's been a good year. I had challenges and mountains that I had to climb, but its also been a year of laughter, memories, good times, new places I've explored. A new understand and love for God.

N E W   W O R D 
New year’s resolutions have never worked for me — in fact, I don’t know if they’ve ever really worked for anyone. They always sound like a list of rules that I know I will break by the end of January. They feel like a superficial fix to me. They feel bossy and rigid — I want to be inspired not instructed. Which is why I believe choosing a word as a guiding light for the new year works better because it feels so much more EXPANSIVE. A word can be embraced as a mantra, a meditation, a reminder, a promise. A word can be interpreted in different ways. A word can’t be “broken” — it feels gentler somehow.
I've felt that God has been telling me just to rest. r e s t . In that he knows best. That he has a perfect plan. 
So this year I my word is.

R E S T.

N O T E 
I'm going to be out of the county for the first three weeks of January on a mission trip to Uguanda *yes I am very excited*
I'll try and do a few posts but no promises. 

So happy New Year. 
2017 you were great! 
I'm excited to see what 2018 will bring.
May the peace of God be with you all as you keep seeking and serving Him. 



  1. Love the pictures of you and your family. Happy New Year of 2018 Janelle! Yes, I had some pretty good times in 2017 and I also had some bad times as well I loss a lot of loved ones but I know were they are. God helped me to get through this year and I thank Him for it. Now on to the next chapter of my life.

  2. Great pictures! <3 Ahh, Priceless concert. *heart eyes* The Angels Walking series is on my TBR for 2018. My mom said they're amazing! :D


Thank you for taking time to leave me a message. It really means a lot to me! I’ll try and respond to each and every on of them.
