
Uguanda/traveling/ update

Ok guys so I know I haven't posted in *cough* a while but srly haven't had good enough Wi-Fi in two weeks to even try and look at my blog stuff, much less post anything.

We left the 31st of December 2017 and after a layover in Brussels (ok guys I was in Europe *even if was only for a few hours* but still it should count) we landed in Entebbe Uguanda.
Ok before I go any further I guess I should introduce you all to who "we" are. 😁
I am so blessed to have a wonderful family because the more I travel i realize that family is who you want to go on adventures with!
So there's Peter, Anna, Sara, Joel and, Me;) five of us cousins. And honestly I am so thankful for this little group. Words can't express how grateful I am for this time we have together.

So what am I doing in Africa??
For many many years my cousins family has been friends with an American woman who lives here in Uguanda, so we thought Why not go and see her? How cool would it be to go to Africa. Right!  So we went.

I'm not going to spend my time writting about how touched or blessed I was by this trip. Not that there would be anything wrong with that but that's not really what I want to spend my time writting about today. In fact I might just save all my thoughts for a later post since this was only supposed to be a short update

I would like to say this though. Coming to Africa opened my eyes. I see how selfish and spoiled I am. I see these kids and the little they have and it just wants to make me cry. I really have had quite the experience these past few weeks.
I'm left with a feeling of brokenness and a new realization of my lifestyle and comfort I live in.

Hopefully I'll be able to write a post about what we actually did. Cause we had a few interesting experiences to say the least!! 😊

Anyway I hope you all have a blessed day.

Happiest times are spent with a book in hand


  1. Janelle you are so beautiful! I love the fact that you want to help those kids that is wonderful. 😊

    1. Wow thanks 😊its quite the experience for sure!

    2. Aww! Your welcome Janelle! When will you be posting again?

  2. Yay! Can't wait to hear more! =)

  3. Looking forward to hear more! Mission trips are so eye opening! Did you see the Alinwataes?

    1. No we didn't since they are in the states right now😑 yeah it's been pretty crazy thats for sure !


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