
12 Days of Christmas  THE PRESCOTTS FAMILY DINNER || Part One ||

Yayyyy you guys I’m so excited for the first day of 12 Days of Christmas :) shout out to Faith Stories by Firefly (Also Check out the other lovely blogs who are part of 12DOC on Her blog )
Also I’m super stoked to share with y’all my first story I’ve ever posted onRamblings of a bookworm! *cue drumroll *
Christmas isn’t a season, it’s a feeling-  Edna Ferber 

Winter, 1904
Cecelia Wilson wasn’t sure whether to be excited or overwhelmed at the prospect of hosting this year’s Christmas dinner at her home. First of all the Prescott side of the family was frightfully loud and her own home, nestled between a cluster of evergreens was really far too small to Accommodate them all comfortably . Although it was perfect for her and Andrew.
They had only been married 6 months but already Cecilia couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The small house was the oldest standing building in Rosewood. The old fashioned furniture spoke for that. From the west window of the study the blue, gray waves could be seen smashing onto the Harbor Cliffs. In the summer the tang of the ocean hung in the air. It was a little out of the way, most people would have hated living three miles from a neighbor and even farther from town but, to Cecilia it was Her and Andrews own little sanctuary. A place that was all theirs.
“I Suppose” she mussed herself. “if I move the Settee too the corner of the living room and open the doors to the dining room like so, we could fit everybody at the table. Except the children of course, they’ll have to sit at the kitchen table.”
The first problem solved she moved onto the next one. Where to place everyone, who should sit by whom, And such. There were about 30 Prescott in a little town of Rosewood and of course they would all be there. For as long as I look every member Christmas has been filled with aunts and uncles and cousins all cramming into a relatives house, and celebrating the day together in one loud and happy ordeal. But one had to be so careful when sitting family members even down for the meal. For instance say aunt Kathy and cousin Mary were seated by side each other. It was to be expected that within a couple minutes one or the other would be telling a story of how so-and-so died By falling into a pond in winter, or some other dreadful tail. This was no way to begin a Christmas meal no indeed. And then there was uncle William and father. Where is there even one thing they could talk about without arguing and causing a scene? And politics Cecelia shudder, was the absolute worst. Because then it was it just father and uncle William. It was every uncle, cousin, and anyone who had even a small opinion of the matter trying to as Andrew has said once “put there oar in.”
Well” Cecilia turn away with determination, “I had best get to it.”
Christmas morning came bright, fine, and cold. Cecilia had been up since daybreak cleaning and decorating at a furious rate. By 11 o’clock everything was nearly finished. the cranberry sauce was bubbling on the back of the stove, the turkey Mr. Miltons largest, was sizzling in the oven. The shelf in the pantry held two apple pie‘s upon which Cecelia had steak for culinary reputation.
Glancing out the East kitchen window she saw Andrew trudging through the drifts of snow towards the barn . “I do hope he’s about finished with his chores, our guests should be arriving in about an hour and I would really like to open our own presents together.”
As she waited for him to come in she prepared herself for the day ahead of her. Cecilia wasn’t what people typically called beautiful, or even pretty. But there was a certain grace and poise that she carried herself with that made others around her stop and notice the small, slim girl with the strange green eyes. Personally all Cecilia saw when she looked at herself in the mirror was a thin girl with 8 freckles across her nose. It never revealed to her how her eyes crinkled when she laughed or, the vibrant way her face lit up when she spoke. after a couple minutes of scrutinizing between her dresses she finally chose a red striped knit gown with A row of elegant black buttons down the back. A simple gold necklace that Andrew had given to her for her birthday was fastened at her neck. Next she turned to her hair, golden honey brown shade. she twisted it up into a style she had recently seen in a magazine. Satisfied with her appearance she went back out to the kitchen to check the lunch. a few minutes later Andrew came in.they had just enough time to exchange gifts and have a few moments to themselves before the guest began to arrive.
 Oh my I hope I’m ready for this. Cecelia murmured biting her lip. Uncle Henry and cousin Mary were pulling up in the carriage. Everything is going to be fine.she reassured herself. Then She sniffed, and sniffed again. A sinking feeling filled her stomach. something was burning.
Part two on Monday 


  1. I really enjoyed reading part of this story, and now, with that cliffhanger, I can't wait for part two!!! :)

  2. Janelle this is such a great post! Congratulations! On your book. I can't wait to read more!😁

  3. heyy what a great story :) :) cant wait to hear more!!

  4. yess can't wait for the rest of it!!


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